
Jane Austen would be proud.

Hospital Crafts: Making Jane Austen proud!

One of my main goals during Marshall's hospitalizations is to encourage him and engage in something creative. Creating is calming for both of us and seems to really amuse his medical team.

I have been seeing some super cute cloth ornaments out this season and thought they would be great gifts.
                                                - they are easy to pack
                                                  -REALLY cute
                                                 -make of recycled materials (sometimes)
                                                 - fun to make!

-scraps of cloth
-cross-stitch tread
-cross-stitch needles
-cotton balls

We cut patterns out of paper, then pinned them to the cloth and cut out the shapes. 

Hand stitch any detail you want on the cloth.

Sew the two pieces together. And make sure to leave a hole to stuff the cotton into!

Spread apart the cotton ball, and stuff.

Sew up the hole and attach the twine to serve as a "hanger".

Adore you work. Give to loved ones <3

Happy Crafting friends!


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