
top 5 way to make the hospital fun

Here are our TOP 5 WAYS to make the HOSPITAL (a little more) FUN:

- Pandora dance parties. Yes, these dance parties will involve an IV tree, but they can still be fabulous and fun.

- Enjoy the downtime by taking awesome naps. This is a special place that transports you back to early childhood where naps were encouraged. Nurses love to give warm blankets, use them!

-Get out of the room. As much as you are allowed, try for a change of scenery. It seems silly to make 75 laps around the same floor a day, but it will keep you from going stir crazy.

-Eat! Whether you are on a strict diet or can eat whatever you want, its important to eat enough and make it fun. Make a picnic, bring special food, order things the way you want them.

-Hobbies. Don't try to pack light. Bring things you enjoy doing, the nurses don't mind the extra stuff and are happy to see you passing time in an enjoyable way. Read all those books you wanted to, journal, craft, sew, play video games...

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