
End of August Update...

August has been an eventful month for us...

Marshall started his first year as a teacher and is absolutely loving it. Although, to be honest, I am not loving how many extra hours he has to put in. But, I do love how passionate and dedicated he is to everything he does (especially when serving others).

I recently started working in the office of a physical therapy clinic in Norman trying to be more missional and make some extra money on the side. Please keep praying that God will allow us to continue to build relationships and community in Norman.

We had some awesome family time with my sister and parents visiting last weekend and my wonderful Papa and Nana came in this weekend! We did some fun Okie stuff, but really just enjoyed doing life together and letting them see the way we are doing ministry in this new place.

We are also continuing to pray for direction and discernment in planting a Church in Norman. Please continue to pray for us and with us. God is opening some doors and some are a little more difficult. (possibly looking for a new house?)

Most importantly, God has been speaking to my heart and encouraging our spirits; there is so much rest even in the midst of our chaotic newlywed lives.

One thing that has been an encouragement to my heart has been my daily driving time singing my heart out to Scripture via the Verses Project. You can download free songs that will speak to your heart and help you remember Scripture in a whole new way.

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to be able to spend time with you and Marshal-- and with his parents. They were family friendly and easy to be around. I will always remember you to God. Thanks for sharing your love with us. life in the will of Jesus is the most rewarding, relaxing and refreshing way you can ever live.


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